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Save a Bottle and Save Our Sea
We Craft New Things From Old Plastic
Landfill Study
Our goal:
To preserve all existing open landfills by reducing the volume of recyclable plastic materials from entering our landfills. Americas largest landfill at Puente Hills California is now closed after 50 years of use.
Exercising good recycling practices.
Save the plastic bottles. We form the plastic into new products for book binding and repair.
Our plastic bottle recycling disciplines depend upon our team of conscientious processors. Our goal has set the bar high for other countries to follow as we assure the highest quality standards for every bottle that we receive for processing, shredding, sanitizing, and remolding into new products.

Vancouver invitation to study landfill plastic bottles 2001- 2010

Puerto Vallarta
Invitation to study plastic bottles 2001-2005

Invitation to study plastic bottles 2001
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